I picked up this neat little cake pop mold at JoAnn Fabrics. I was lucky to find it in the 50% section. I think it cost me maybe $3.
I have never made cake pops before so it was a big learning process!
First we backed a confetti cake. After the cake was done, you let it cool. Cut it into quarters. We used about 3/4 of the cake to make our pops which yielded about 20 pops (we had a few causalities).
You then cut off the edges so that you have a nice smooth cake. Then crumble your cake and add frosting (we were told to use store bought for best results). I think we used about 1/3rd of our container of cream cheese frosting.  Mix it all together until you get a nice sticky mixture that you can roll into a ball. Put it in a ziplock and allow to cool in the fridge for several hours. You could put it in the freezer to speed it up. THIS PART IS KEY! I started making the pops not realizing I needed to refrigerate….. complete mess… they will not stick together.
After the mixture is nice and cool, roll cake mix into balls a little bigger than the mold. Press down the top. Open and remove extra cake. We then heated up some candy melts. BE SURE TO FOLLOW PACKAGE DIRECTIONS OF CANDY MELTS. We did a double broiler method and the candy got too hot and was ruined. Take a popstick and dip it into candy. Then insert it to the middle of the cake pop. Allow to cool until candy is completely hard. Trying to remove the cake pops before this will be a mess!
Once you have your pop all ready to go, dip it into candy coating. We struggled with this. At first I was taking a spoon and dumping the coating over the top but then it would get to top heavy and fall apart. We dipped the pop upside down into the coating and spooned the coating over the bottom. This method worked much better.
I took a cardboard box we had laying around and punctured holes in it with a screwdriver. Then placed the sticks in the holes to dry.
You can then decorate them with sprinkles or drizzle another color candy melt on top. Allow to dry.
We packaged some with little candy bags and pretty bows. We made a cake pop pot for the rest out of a mason jar with a screen lid. Enjoy! They are addicting!