
Denver Glamour Beauty Photographer, Headshots, Aurora Colorado, Makeover {Chloe}

Denver Glamour Beauty Photographer, Headshots, Aurora Colorado, Makeover {Chloe}

Denver glamour beauty photographer, glamour portraiture, aurora colorado, makeover

Denver glamour and beauty photographer, glamour portraiture, aurora colorado, makeover

Denver glamour and beauty photographer, glamour portraiture, aurora colorado, makeover

denver glamour photographer, beauty, glamour, aurora colorado photographer


Denver headshot photographer, aurora colorado headshots, glamour, beauty, studio


aurora colorado senior photographer

GHP_7773GHP_7714GHP_7697GHP_7664aurora colorado photographerDenver glamour beauty photographer, aurora colorado photographer, senior photographer, makeover, portraiture

To view more of my glamour shoots click here


I was super stoked when Chloe’s grandma first contacted me about doing a glamour shoot for her granddaughter. We had so much fun planning and organizing her shoot. Chloe had never had anything like this done, so professional hair and makeup was an exciting experience. We photographed her in my home photography studio in Aurora, CO. She had lots of fun different outfits. Upon finally viewing her photos, her family and her were all overjoyed. She was gorgeous but still remained her. Its my job to bring out all of her amazing features outside and in. We even got some great shots with her and her family that joined us. Chloe is such a sweetheart and I wish her the best as she heads off to college to pursue her dream of music. I don’t think it will be long before she goes places! I love being a denver glamour beauty photographer!


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