
Boudoir is for single women too!

Boudoir Photography

boudoir photography denver

The Misconception

There seems to be a common misconception when it comes to Boudoir photography. While tasteful beautiful seductive images DO make great gifts for your significant other, you do not need to be in a relationship or married to have a session. Boudoir sessions are more than just a photo shoot, they are an experience. And every female deserves to enjoy the boudoir photography experience at least once in their lifetime.


Self Care Is Important

Ladies of all ages can get caught up in the hustle and bustle of every day life. It is very easy to “let yourself go” if you don’t take the time to take care of yourself and treat yourself from time to time. Enjoying a glass of wine with a book in a bubble bath, getting a new hair style or manicure, or planning a spa day just to have some relaxation time are all wonderful examples of self care.

The experience of a boudoir photography session is also an excellent way to treat yourself. Many of us need to find ways to remind ourselves that we are beautiful. Stress and life in general can easily cause us to lose our confidence and self esteem. A Boudoir session can give us an outlet to feel beautiful and regain that self confidence that we tend to lose over the years.

The session isn’t just about taking photos of you. You get to be pampered and get your hair and make-up professionally done. The goal is to get you as relaxed as possible and to highlight all of your best features to make you feel gorgeous in front of that camera. You will leave the session feeling so courageous and empowered. You will leave knowing that you still got it, girl!


boudoir photography denver

We are Sick of Mainstream Telling us What Beauty is

Social media, TV shows, movies, etc., tend to leave us feeling just not good enough. We are either too thin or too heavy, too pale or too dark, too short or too tall.. we are ALL unique and built differently! We need to learn to embrace our bodies and learn to love them, flaws and all. A Boudoir experience is perfect for doing just that!

You do not need to have a special someone in your life as a reason to have a Boudoir session. In fact, they are perfect for single ladies! Maybe you have been scorned in a relationship or marriage? These sessions are a wonderful way to remind you that THEY lost something special. Maybe you just aren’t having any luck in the dating world so you are flying solo until the perfect one comes along? It can be easy to fall into the mindset that you just aren’t good enough for a relationship. Boudoir photography sessions can definitely change your mind.

So, do YOURSELF a favor and treat yourself to one of the best experiences that a woman can have. You will leave feeling amazing and confident and beautiful. And when you see your images for the first time and see yourself in a way that will leave you knowing you are a gorgeous beautiful woman who is in fact, good enough!

boudoir photography

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Littleton Maternity Photographer- Alessandra

Littleton Maternity Photographer


Ms. Alessandra reached out to me looking for a Littleton maternity photographer. We were so happy she choose us! At our studio we have over 100 maternity gowns for our clients to use. After we settled on a date for her shoot, we scheduled her fitting.

Each maternity session includes a fitting before hand so you can be sure you find the right looks for you! Choosing an outfit before hand also helps you plan what undergarments you may need to bring, what shoes to wear, and plan for what your family/spouse/partner will wear if they are added on to your session.

Alessandra chose 3 very unique looks. The first pic was our gorgeous fluffy couture skirt in dusty blue (Also comes in mauve) paired with a delicate lace bra. This look pairs beautifully with our grey settee. For her next choice, she decided on our custom beaded pink robe. This item is loved by both my maternity and boudoir clients. The beadwork is stunning on this one! Her final choice was a black shear infinity gown. This gown can be tied all different ways such as halter, twisted straps, or off to one shoulder. We have a black bodysuit that goes with it or you can bring your own black bra and underwear if you want to show off that little belly of yours! Which outfit is your favorite? You can see all my gowns here or search the hashtag #GHPWARDROBE on Instagram.

Ginny has been working with women for 17 years. It is her true passion to help you find your confidence and make you feel like the prettiest girl in the room! During high school she also attended cosmetology school. She worked in a luxury salon specializing in color and extensions for about 7 years before making the switch to photography. Her love of both passions was combined and she opened her first female portrait studio in Denver in 2018.

Boudoir Myths

Boudoir Myths

There seem to be many boudoir myths pertaining to boudoir photography. And unfortunately, these myths prevent many women from participating in this amazing experience! Let’s go ahead and bust five of the biggest myths and ease your fears if you find yourself being hesitant.


  1. I have to be naked.

It doesn’t matter if you’re wearing lingerie, a potato sack, or nothing at all. The main purpose of Boudoir photography is to empower the subject, not to make them uncomfortable. There is only one person who dictates how far you need to go with your shoot in order to reveal your inner goddess, and that is you. You don’t have to jump up and down on the bed in your birthday suit to feel empowered, though if you choose to do so you will not be judged for it.


  1. I am not perfect.

Yes, you are! Who you are in this very moment is exactly who you should be as you begin this journey. I’ve photographed every age, size, shape, color, whatever, and the results are always gorgeous. There are too many things in this life that we choose not to experience because we don’t match societies beauty standards. Boudoir photography will help release the chains that bind you, and you will see that anything is possible!


  1. I will be judged for it.

Your shoot will be exactly what you want it to be, but there is naturally an element of sexuality to it. When it comes to something so incredibly personal, there are bound to be feelings of vulnerability and the fear of being judged. It is not for anyone but you to decide what makes you feel like a goddess. I’m there as a facilitator, and to capture it in the art of photography. I do not judge. Besides, nobody will see these photographs unless you choose to share them. They can be your little secret!


  1. Everybody will see my photographs.

As the client, YOU decide what I can use for promotional purposes. After your shoot is over, you will go through the photographs and choose your favorites, but you will also choose if there are any photographs you are willing to let me use for my portfolio and for other promotional use such as Facebook and my web site. I require explicit permission in writing before I post a boudoir photograph online. If you decide you do not want your photographs posted online then this is completely fine too. They are your pictures to do with as you see fit. We shoot a lot of our promo work with willing models for this reason!


  1. I don’t have someone (a partner/ significant other) to do this for.

Yes, you do! These photographs are for YOU above all else. Sure, lots of people have these sessions done so that they can give their partner a gift he/she will never forget, and of course that’s a wonderful idea. However, first and foremost, a boudoir photo session is a gift to YOU!


Ready to take the first step? Let’s get connected here!

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Benefits of a Virtual Boudoir Session

Virtual Boudoir Session

Benefits of a Virtual Boudoir Session

2020 sure has been an interesting year for all of us? Am I right? It has been difficult for photographers for sure. It’s impossible to do photo sessions while maintaining social distancing and wearing masks. Could you imagine wearing a mask during a sexy boudoir shoot? Yeah, me either. But we are not letting this Covid-19 pandemic stop us from trying to keep our business afloat. I, and many other photographers, are offering virtual session. And they have been a huge hit!

While it’s not the same as an actual face to face photo shoot.. it is a unique way to keep your confidence alive during these hard times. We have all been stressed and many of us have been full blown depressed. Being cooped up in our homes, many of us not working, the stress of homeschooling for the MANY of us who just aren’t built to be a teacher, no interaction with friends or grandparents, etc.. all of these things has really taken a toll on so many of us.

I know it’s easier said than done, but do not let yourself go downhill! I see many posts of my friends on social media who haven’t cared to dress up and do their hair and makeup since they aren’t really going out in public much, if at all. You have to remember, it is more important for you to feel and look beautiful for yourself more for others. These trying times have caused many of us to slack on things like this.

Confidence boosters are great for depression and anxiety. And guess what is great for a confident boost? A boudoir session!

All you need is a phone or laptop that allows you to virtually communicate with me! Find an area that is well lit and have something like a box or table that you can move around to use as a tripod. I will guide you through everything else. I will tell you the areas and angles where lighting looks the best and will walk you through every pose, I will even demonstrate them for you as I do in my regular sessions. Even though I won’t be there, it will feel like I am!

This is great for anyone locally who either just can’t leave their home or are still choosing to social distance; or those who maybe aren’t local to me but would like to do this!

I will take screen grabs of the poses virtually and edit them from my home! So absolutely no contact needed. Don’t let this “new normal” we are living in cause you to forget to do something special for YOU to remind you that you are beautiful! Feeling good about yourself for even a little while can do so much good for your mood during these times. You would be helping us stay up and running and we would be helping you having a little positivity, fun, and confidence boost!

Broomfield Maternity Photographer-Ms. J

Broomfield Maternity Photographer

Are you searching for a Broomfield Maternity Photographer? You have come to the right spot. I specialize in female portraiture and love making women feel like the most beautiful person on the planet. Pregnancy is such an amazing journey and I want to help you save these memories. I know 9 months probably feels like the longest period of time in your life but one day you will look back and be astonished how fast it really went.  Those little kicks, hiccups, and last minute runs to the bathroom in the middle of the night will all be a distant memory someday. These photos will be there for you to share with your child when they get curious about how they came into the world. There to share with your child when they are expecting their first little bundle.

Your body will never be the same again, -I don’t say that in a mean way. Your body is caring for and growing a child. That is truly something magical and you should be proud of what you can do! It is up to you weather you want to bare your belly, embrace your nude self, or show off your bump with a beautiful gown or cute pair of jeans and a tank! I am here to help you design your dream photoshoot in your own comfort zone! Are you ready to make the first step and book your shoot? Contact me here!

Want to browse my maternity gallery? Click here

Want to see some of my latest work? Follow me 0n Instagram.

Broomfield Maternity PhotographerBroomfield Maternity PhotographerBroomfield Maternity PhotographerBroomfield Maternity PhotographerBroomfield Maternity PhotographerBroomfield Maternity Photographer


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